A space for everyone.

LGBTQ+ Friendly Barbering

Finding LGBTQ+ friendly barbers can be hard. Often, queer, trans, and non-binary people don’t feel safe being ourselves in barbershops. I’m striving to create a community space where we can meet your haircut goals collaboratively, without making assumptions.

Email Gabe for information on Trans Barbershop events: gabewillbarber@gmail.com

Barbering for Women

Historically, barbershops have been men-only and male-privileging spaces. However, many women want access to barber style haircuts, techniques, and services, without paying salon premiums. Here, your gender doesn’t determine your hair.

Barbering for Neurodivergent People

Although the shop is small, salons can still be busy, noisy, uncomfortable spaces for many neurodivergent people. If you’d like to ensure we have a quiet, private space, please email me at gabewillbarber@gmail.com and I’ll work with you and my colleagues to book a time when we are alone in the shop together.

Covid-19 Safety

While I’m not masking consistently in my shifts, if you arrive to your appointment masked I will always put mine on as well. If you can’t mask but would like me to, just make a note in your booking that you’d prefer that I mask and I’ll be happy to accommodate you.